What is The Mystic Eye?

The Mystic Eye is a company that specializes in providing spiritual, new age, occult, and religious products. We offer a wide range of products, including spiritual candles, incense, smudges and resins, ritual oils, herbs and roots, altar tools, tarot and oracle cards, gems, crystals, and spiritual jewelry.

Where is The Mystic Eye located?

We are based out of Memphis, TN, but we serve customers across the country through our online store.

What types of spiritual practices do your products support?

Our products are designed to support a diverse range of spiritual practices and beliefs. Whether you’re interested in Wicca, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Shamanism, or any other spiritual path, we have products that can help enhance your practice.

Do you offer different varieties of altar candles?

Yes, we offer a wide variety of altar candles, including 7-day candles, chime candles, figure candles, and more. We also offer different colors for varying intentions and purposes.

How do I use your spiritual baths and washes?

Our spiritual baths and washes are designed to help cleanse and purify the body, mind, and spirit. Simply add a capful or two to your bathwater or use it as a body wash, and focus on your intentions while you cleanse yourself.

Do you offer readings? 
We currently offer a 30-minute mini-reading as well as a more in-depth full reading. These services can be found under our Spiritual Services tab. We do ask for a two-day advance on readings so that our Spiritualist has an open and uninterrupted schedule for you. 

How can I contact The Mystic Eye if I have questions or need assistance with my order?

We’re here to help! You can reach us by phone at 901-435-6713 or by email at mysticeyememphis@gmail.com. We also encourage you to follow us on social media for updates and inspiration.

Do you offer altar services?

Yes, we do. Have any candle dressed, and even prayed over, lit, and set on our altar by our Spiritualist. She will speak to you in private about your needs and requests to determine if this is something she can assist you with.

I am not sure what to buy for the intention I have in mind. Is this something you could help me with?

We sure can! Our staff is always willing and ready to help you with quick questions! If you are coming in-store all they need is a brief description of what you are trying to do and they can point you in the right direction! If you are looking for more personalized and in-depth assistance- please refer to our Product Consultation tab. Please keep in mind that our staff members are not doctors or counselors- they cannot treat, diagnose, or act in place of a therapist.